Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Texas swine flu

texas swine flu

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texas swine flu
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Via the New York Times: Models' Projections for Flu Miss Mark by Wide Margin. Excerpt: In the waning days of April, as federal officials were declaring a public health emergency and the world seemed gripped by swine flu panic, two rival supercomputer teams made projections about the epidemic that we ... Guvernul francez va cheltui aproape un miliard de euro pentru un program de vaccinare obligatorie in aceasta toamna. Potrivit lui Marie-Christine Tabet (Le Journal du Dimanche): " Franta pregateste un plan de lupta fara precedent pentru aceasta toamna, inclusiv o campanie de vaccinare obligatorie pe ... Let's hope its just like the outbreaks in '76 and '88 that just 'disappeared' In yesterday's CDC report on the H1N1 (swine) flu, Alaska and West Virginia are reported for the first time. Alaska had reported one case; West Virginia, three. The total number of Confirmed and Probable Cases in the U.S. is now 10,053, with 17 deaths nationally. From last Friday's report, Cases in ...


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